• See Crashlytics issue reports directly in Android Studio with App Quality Insights by Takeshi Hagiku

    Updated: 2023-01-27 19:15:53
    , Published in Android Developers Takeshi Hagikura Follow Jan 27  7 min read See Crashlytics issue reports directly in Android Studio with App Quality Insights Android developers all across the world rely on Firebase Crashlytics to surface detailed insights and context into the events leading to a crash . Crashlytics gives you a complete view into your app†s stability — helping you track , prioritize , and fix critical issues before they impact a large number of . users However , even with detailed and real-time crash reports , troubleshooting usually requires you to jump between the Crashlytics console and your codebase to locate the error . Looking at stack traces in a browser and then having to navigate through your source code to find the right place to set your breakpoints is

  • Chatbot App Development That Elevate Your Business

    Updated: 2023-01-25 14:19:16
    91 9821746493 Email Us Toggle navigation Services Industries Products Portfolio Blog Career Contact Us Our Blog Chatbot App Development That Elevate Your Business If you have a website to showcase your business , what makes it more interactive Probably Chatbots Right Because firstly , it helps to understand your users and secondly , expands your reach . Although , we know these promising technologies aren’t that simple to grasp . But how can you streamline C hatbot app development for your business However , you can get assistance from the developers . But here we have a checklist to develop an interactive chatbot for your website . Let’s dive in and . explore An overview of chatbot app development Chatbots aren’t a new concept to you , are they It follows a straightforward conversation

  • Android App Development Using Kotlin App

    Updated: 2023-01-25 14:19:14
    91 9821746493 Email Us Toggle navigation Services Industries Products Portfolio Blog Career Contact Us Our Blog How to develop your first Android application using Kotlin Many industries are interested in developing their presence through an app . They know well that businesses can be presented to a large number of potential customers through apps . Because it serves as a face for brands that are looking to . grow When it comes to  Android app development getting perplexed is no big deal , there are several languages , but Kotlin can be perfect for developing . apps Earlier , Java was used for android app development . But not it has been taken over by Kotlin . In 2017, Google came forward and promoted Kotlin in its Android Studio IDE . This action leads developers to choose Kotlin over

  • The promise of Generative AI in 2023 Mobile Dev Memo by Eric Seufert The promise of Generative AI in

    Updated: 2023-01-25 14:19:11
    Mobile Dev Memo Content Greatest Hits Quantitative Marketing Managing Growth Teams Ethics of Advertising Lifetime Customer Value LTV Freemium QuantMar Theseus Library MDM Slack Team Freemium Economics Book MDM Podcast About Contact The promise of Generative AI in 2023 Posted on January 24, 2023 by Eric Benjamin Seufert In this episode of the Mobile Dev Memo podcast , I discuss the promise of Generative AI for marketing and product development with Thomas Petit and Ketty Slonimsky Thomas is a well-known consultant and the author of the MADV newsletter and Ketty Slonimsky is the Chief Growth Officer of Palta the publisher of the popular Lensa app . The subject of the episode was intended to be predictions across the mobile space for 2023, but we ended up hovering over the topic of Generative

  • What's new in Android Studio Electric Eel YouTube

    Updated: 2023-01-24 09:07:42
    About Press Copyright Contact us Creator Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy Safety How YouTube works Test new features 2023 Google LLC

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    An error . occurred Try watching this video on www.youtube.com or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your . browser

  • Declining App Store revenue growth and the bull case for mobile gaming Mobile Dev Memo by Eric Seufe

    Updated: 2023-01-18 11:14:43
    Mobile Dev Memo Content Greatest Hits Quantitative Marketing Managing Growth Teams Ethics of Advertising Lifetime Customer Value LTV Freemium QuantMar Theseus Library MDM Slack Team Freemium Economics Book MDM Podcast About Contact Declining App Store revenue growth and the bull case for mobile gaming Posted on January 18, 2023 by Eric Benjamin Seufert Last week , as is customary , Apple revealed the cumulative amount of money it has paid to app developers since the inception of its App Store in 2008 : 320BN . While Apple doesn’t provide any granular context to this headline number , its development on a year-over-year basis can be used as a rough proxy to track overall App Store revenue : Through year-end 2018 : 120BN Through year-end 2019 : 155BN 35BN from 2018 Through year-end 2020 :

  • Is your app providing a backward compatible edge-to-edge experience by Yuichi Araki Android Develope

    Updated: 2023-01-18 02:43:07
    , Published in Android Developers Yuichi Araki Follow Jan 17  4 min read Is your app providing a backward compatible edge-to-edge experience “Please make the navigation bar transparent” — Android users androidpolice.com We recommend that all apps use an edge-to-edge layout , meaning that it draws behind the system bars to use the entire width and height of the display This means your app should do all of the . following Signal to the system that the app wants to draw behind the system . bars In your Activity†s : onCreate WindowCompat.setDecorFitsSystemWindows(window , false Set the system bar colors to be either transparent or . translucent ・ In theme XML : ・ In code : window.statusBarColor . transparent Offset composables or views by the sizes of the system . bars ・ Compose

  • Adding a domain layer In this article I†ll explain how we… by Don Turner Android Developers Dec

    Updated: 2023-01-06 21:58:28
    . , , Published in Android Developers Don Turner Follow Dec 13, 2022  4 min read Adding a domain layer In this article , I†ll explain how we added a domain layer to the Now in Android app for improved readability , scalability and . portability The domain layer sits between the UI and data layers In Android app architecture , the domain layer holds business logic — the rules that dictate how the app works . For the remainder of this article , I†ll use the term “logic” to refer to “business logic” , as opposed to “UI logic” or any other form of . logic It†s common to introduce the domain layer as an app grows in complexity , and use it to encapsulate complex logic or logic that is reused by many screen level state holders , like . ViewModels The pull request which this

  • EU privacy watchdog to Meta first-party data is off limits for ads personalization Mobile Dev Memo b

    Updated: 2023-01-05 11:37:35
    : : Mobile Dev Memo Content Greatest Hits Quantitative Marketing Managing Growth Teams Ethics of Advertising Lifetime Customer Value LTV Freemium QuantMar Theseus Library MDM Slack Team Freemium Economics Book MDM Podcast About Contact EU privacy watchdog to Meta : first-party data is off limits for ads personalization Posted on January 5, 2023 by Eric Benjamin Seufert Yesterday , the Irish Data Protection Commission DPC announced that it had concluded two inquiries into Meta’s business practices related to personalized advertising . These inquiries stemmed from lawsuits filed in 2018 by noyb a non-profit founded by privacy activist Max Schrems . The suits were filed upon enactment of the EU’s GDPR , which provides companies with six legal bases for processing user data one of which is

  • Guide To Hire Android App Developer For Your Startup 2023

    Updated: 2023-01-04 17:42:26
    91 9821746493 Email Us Toggle navigation Services Industries Products Portfolio Blog Career Contact Us Our Blog Complete Guide to Hire Android Developer for Your Startup In 2023 With advancements in the mobile industry , the mobile market is surging . We can see how the Android and iPhone user bases are growing daily . However , Android is not as straightforward as it appears . However , you cannot be fluent in every language . So you can hire Android developer for assistance . Furthermore , when hiring developers , keep the following points in mind . So , let’s take a close look at the . steps   Role of Android app developer   An Android developer is a software developer who specializes in developing software applications for Android-powered mobile devices such as phones and tablets .

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